
Areas and Sections Overview

Areas and Section in the organization tab allow you to place product formats into buckets that are meant to represent a physical space in your establishment. This facilitates efficient counting during stock counts.


Areas are the top level of spacial organization for your product library. A product format can only be added to an area once, but it can be added to just one or all areas you create.

During stock counts, every product format in an area will have to be accounted for, even if it is not physically present, in which case its count will be "0." Each product format in an area has it's own count associated with it.

Areas should be as large or as small as makes sense for your specific establishment. The larger your area (like an entire back storage room), the more you will need to walk back and forth during a stock count! If you find this is happening frequently, consider splitting up an area into multiple, or utilize sections.


Sections operate like a tag for individual product formats in an area. A single product format can be assigned to multiple sections, though keep in mind the count for a product in a single area will be shared among all the sections it's placed in.

During stock counts, an area can be filtered to just show the product formats in a section, allowing for easy and clutter-free counting.

While not all areas you create will require this level of granularity that sections provides, it remains as an option for larger areas.


Below are a few examples of how you can utilize the areas and sections feature.

A "Bar" area with sections "Speed Rail Right," "Speed Rail Left," "Back Bar Right," and "Back Bar Left."

A "Basement area with sections "Aisle 1," "Aisle 2," and "Aisle 3."

An "Aisle 1" area with sections "Whiskey," "Tequila," "Gin," and "Rum."

Creating an Area

To create an area, click the "+ Create New Area" in the top right of the screen. Enter a name for the area.

To place product formats in an area, click on the area and then click the "+ Add Products" button in the top right of the screen. Using the checkbox next to the list of product formats that appears, select which products you wish to add. When finished, hit the "Add Selected Items" button.

Creating a Section

To create a section, first you must have an area you wish to subdivide into sections. Open the area and click the "+ Create Section" button. Once you've named the section, you will be prompted to assign the product formats already in the area to the section. Use the checkbox to do so, then finish with the "Add to Section" button.

Product formats in the area can also be assigned a section individually by clicking on the section icon to the right of every product format row. Use the checkbox to assign the product format to just one, or multiple sections, then click save.


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